the sole surviving class blog of
zero nine ehh one six
From your Welfare Rep
Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 5:14 PM Hello a16ers! Thank you very much to those who went for the CT supper last night! I had a lot of fun and I hope so did everyone else. But I want to clarify some stuff: I go along with the spirit of Truth or Dare, please do believe me when I say I'm not such a wild and crazy person in actuality. But the point of Truth or Dare really is to do things you wouldn't normally do, and I do hope everyone goes along with the sporty spirit =D Also I'm sorry to anyone who didn't quite like it, I mean, I understand that some people prefer a more reserved and collected game. Please do tell me if anything I do is uncomfortable for you alright. I promise I will listen very attentively to you. Thanks again everyone =) I do hope that everyone in A16 will come to feel like part of a family. I mean we spend so much time in school that CT is more or less like family. For me especially, I haven't got anyone to talk to at home. No siblings and stuff. Everyday I go home talk to wall. So you guys are all very important to me =) I really think that a close CT will make school a much much more cherished experience. We've got two years ahead of us people. Let's make it awesome :) Take care people, drink lots of water and don't fall sick! (You will be missed in school see) From your welfare rep PS. All photos taken during/before POP will be up in the class email. for CSC peoplings!
@ 12:12 AM HELLO! TO ALL CSC PEOPLE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SMB! theres a wonderful post-orientation gift to you all from your CSC teacher! (: btw. CT outing today was fuuuuun! :D WARNING: do not play truth or dare with mingming. she pwnz all! -chooyi. FAC DANCE COMP!
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 11:21 PM HELLO PEOPLE! :DDD tomorrow is the big day! and im very happy because i will be going down to dance too!! :DD dont neglect me horh! i feel like ive been missing out on so much due to huang cheng! hahaha anyway main point is, JIAYOU PEOPLE! ARES WILL WINNNN HOHOHOH. lalaaa, okay i dont know what else to say hehhh. BYE! randomly this is eyu ((((: from your infocom rep
@ 12:13 PM hi we are in the li-bra-ry :D - fat man Please don't be like the guy above -.- Hello all, the class' econs blog is underway! Haha I'm sure some of you will find the layout problematic, but I think its kind of cool/cute. (I used it as my blogskin last time.) Don't know if judging teachers can use it though -cough-, no offence :X I do think that the layout is too crampy, but I think that's the essence of it. If I must, I can expand it. :9 There's POP tomorrow! Try to revise your moves tonight :D - JY 1st class meeting
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 9:32 PM (本台讯)今天上午,阳光明媚,华侨中学高中部人头攒动。本班首届人民代表大会在学校Inner Plaza隆重召开,并胜利闭幕。 大会召开之前,全班同学已经不间断地上了很多节课,饥饿状况十分严重。贴心的福利委员Mingming为早已饿肚子多时的几位同学提前预订了盒饭以及热狗。一到会场,李政霖和马华卿等同学见到了食物,向Mingming缴付了2元后,就在最短时间内将食物一扫而光。 会上,几位委员就在90周年校庆跑步90圈,谁来跑、每人跑多少圈、校庆晚宴谁去、每人付多少钱、从班级基金内得到多少补贴以及设立班级经济课博客、班级和谐等课题展开了深入讨论,并与广大人民群众交换了意见。 经过二十来分钟的磋商,全班同学达成以下共识: 一、去校庆晚宴的同学,每人支付20元,剩余的每人15元一律享受班级基金津贴; 二、参加校庆90圈长跑的同学,已经报名要参加的同学要认真跑,不能少跑、不跑的同学也不能闲着,要为要跑的同学加油鼓劲; 三、全班同学要紧密地团结在以班级和谐为中心的重要思想周围,高举“同在一个班,共享快乐”伟大旗帜,认真贯彻落实本次大会精神,齐心协力谋和谐。 近日,本班发生了一些不和谐事件,严重阻碍了班上一些同学之间友好合作关系的正常化发展。Mingming等委员呼吁,广大人民群众要紧紧抓住班级团结这个根本点,一定要严把和谐关,杜绝此类事故的再次发生。 此外,结合工作实际,与会的各科代表在本次大会上普遍表示,目前收取各项费用的工作并非十分艰难。这主要归功于广大人民群众的配合与支持,科代表们对此表示十分感谢。 本班09A16作为一个集体,各位同学应该相互体谅、相互帮助。和谐是大势所趋,友谊是人心所向,希望所有同学都能在接下来的一年多时间里,成为彼此的好邻居、好伙伴、好朋友,为大家的学习生活增添乐趣、使大家的华中记忆更加精彩。 最后,本台温馨提示:英国文学科代表马华卿希望再次强烈呼吁本班所有修读英国文学,但还未缴纳费用的同学,最迟在明天交齐5元的印刷费用,谢谢合作。
from your info-com rep
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 10:06 PM Its interesting how everyone is starting their entries with "from ..." The school calls me the info-com rep instead of the IT rep, which I think is more appropriate since I'm an AVA idiot. :D Economics Blog for Humanities Week 2009 The Arts Department is organizing a Blog Competition as part of the Humanities Week 2009, to be held in Term 3. Participation is COMPULSORY for all C1 H2/H1 Economics classes. Your blog template is to be online by Mon, 13 March 2009, together with at least 1 blog entry. The entire class can start posting blog entries on their respective class econs blog after that deadline. Classes' blog entries may include the following: - Review of interesting economic articles from journals or Internet. - Economic jokes/cartoons that illustrate certain economic concepts. - Video clips depicting certain economic concepts. - Q & As, "forum-like" postings on views and comments that are economics related among class members. - Any other relevant economics postings that will enhance the class' blog (i.e. ILP work, etc) Best blog will receive a cash voucher of $200 and the next 2 best blog will receive a cash voucher of $100 each. Results will be announced on 23rd July 2009. I will start inviting everyone to contribute to the class blog, and you will, whether you want to or not. :D Meanwhile, start looking for funny/interesting stuff related to econs. Its not hard if everyone contribute one entry, and it doesn't have to be long. :) - JY From your Welfare Rep
@ 9:33 PM Yello people! Okay first thing's first. 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner. It will be on the school field, according to SMB. I don't know any other details because I only skimmed through the message. Please read it on your own if you want to know more. Anyway, my concern is attendence! So far we've only got eight people down for the dinner and we need to make a table of TEN. So two more people! Come on volunteer yourselves, it's $35 per head and the school's sponsoring the other $15. Think of it as a class thing! =D Anyway Mr. Loo suggested two options to lighted the monetary load on the people who are attending the dinner. Option One: Everyone attending the dinner will come up with $20 each. The remaining $15 per person (which is $150 for the table) will come out of class fund. Option Two: Everyone attending the dinner will come up with $25 each. The remaining $10 per person (which is $100 for the table) will come out of class fund. Both options are endorsed by Mr. Loo. I seem to have lost the list of who's going so I'll be asking for a show of hands tomorrow. Another thing, the 90th Anniversary School Run (the 90 rounds thing). Somehow it ended up with me xD So I need parent contact details of everyone who's running, I think it's probably in case you faint or something. Anyway it tallies up to about 6 rounds per person. People in CLL please remember to read your notes before next monday, people in CSC remember your essay due this friday! I don't think there's anything else, so goodbye for now. Take care everyone :) From your caring and friendly Welfare Rep :D From Your Lit Rep
@ 8:45 PM Dear 09A16,
Thank you. Huaqing
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 1:03 AM ![]() New timetable! :D [Dance Practices] - Dance Session 6 (23/2) - 3.30pm - Area Outside Audi - Dance Session 7 (24/2) - 4pm - Foyer @ SALT Centre - Dance Session 8 (25/2) - 4pm - Inner Plaza* impt! Remember to attend as well! Ares will win POP - fac dance competition again! :D - JY First Class Dinner @ Yoshinoya Bishan Junction 8
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 9:49 PM ![]() Dear 09A16, The first class dinner photos are now up. Please click here to view them. Regards, Huaqing
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 11:06 PM Dear 09A16, I'll make this short and sweet :D 1) Please be reminded that you have to register for your CCA choices on ISP by this sat 21 Feb. 2) Girls, please check your PSB as there's an important suggestion related to you :) Please refer to figure 1.2331123 if you don't know how to get there 3) CSC students, I've found the pdf version of 钱穆's 中国文化史导论. Please download from our class email if you need it. user: pass: [sms me - 98838026 PLEASE DONT CALL ME] FYI, the notes yesterday cost $0.30. I'll collect from you when it reaches whole number. haha 4) Promise that you WILL miss me over the weekend. HAHAHAHA 5) REST and complete your hw :) houyin From your Welfare Rep
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 9:34 PM Hello fellow a16 people! I just got home from French and I'm telling you H2 French is really grueling. Today I found out that the teacher keeps track of everything. Really everything. He made a note that my friend was 18 minutes late for class last lesson. Then another guy had to leave early today. He made a note that said "left at 7.14pm". I feel so scared and stressed la. =( Anyway after that I went to J8 basement to eat. Then there's this shop that sells Korean food. So I was supposed to pay $3.50 but I gave the person $11.50 because I wanted four two-dollar notes back. The person evidently didn't understand. She gave me back $5 and the rest of the change in coins. So I ended up with more coins than I started with. -.- Anyway, people who haven't paid me for CLL materials please do so by tomorrow! And I still need two more Samaritans to go for the 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner thing. Just come please? It's thirty-five per head but that's the normal pricing for this kind of events and think of it as a class thing =D PE tomorrow yo but I think half our class will be sitting out thanks to me. Sorry =( Alright take care people and get well soon to everyone running a cold, Mingming Minor Updates
@ 8:59 PM Check out the new about page, I think it's pretty neat (: Soon, birthdays and Neighbouring classes are also linked. Classes who wish to trade links please tag :D Kia Wee says there's spot check tomorrow! (Not sure if he is to be trusted -cough-...) Please wear PE shirt to morning assembly as we have PE first period (no worries about those... erm shoelace and band problems haha). We have to change back to the uniform after PE though. Oh yeah. O$P$ ah! :D - JY Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 9:00 PM Class email As we're not able to upload stuff onto blogspot, I've created a gmail account: user: pass: [ask me] From today onwards, it'll serve as a platform for us to upload things related to our class for example outing photos, videos, lecture notes etc. :) Reminder 1) (everyone) pay Yingci $5 for class fund 2) (everyone except for Jiarern) pay Yingci $59.30 for newsweek and classroom materials 3) (CLL students) pay Mingming $28 for books and materials 4) (everyone from HCI & NY) please complete your maths holiday homework and bring it tmr houyin from your welfare rep
@ 8:10 PM 09a16 yo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIARERN for the final time! All the best in the year ahead and take care kay! Smile always =) I'm Welfare Rep yo, so if you're sad I should be concerned. x) Anyway, I was thinking we should have our first official class outing soon right! Before all the work starts to pile higher and higher. Does anyone have any special requests with regards to class outing? All requests will be taken in highest regard :D People in CLL remember to bring $28 to pay me for the books/materials kay! I know there's so much to pay for recently, I feel like my money's disappearing before I can count it =O Everyone drink more water and eat vitamins kay! (I'm such a great welfare rep la xD) I think I'm passing my flu to everyone =( I'm so sorry!'Anyway try 葛根汤, it's really effective, in my opinion at least, if you've got flu. It's always worked for me. If not, just try to take care and rest more while you can kay! Staying up till 2am for no particular reason isn't cool. (There's actually a Facebook group that's called I stay up till 2am for no good reason or something like that) Alright I'll see you all tomorrow! Take care and sleep tight :) Mingming Announcements and so on
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 9:16 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE, JIARERN <3 Yo ehh-one-sixers! Timetable Updates! Students with PW lessons during the following period, please proceed to the lecture venue as specified below for this week, 16-20 Feb 09. Tue, 2 - 3pm -> LT2 Wed, 9 - 10am -> LT3 Thu, 12 - 1pm -> LT2 Fri, 12 - 1pm -> Audi Dance Practices Schedule - Dance Session 3 (17/2) - 4pm - Area Outside Audi - Dance Session 4 (18/2) - 4pm - Foyer @ SALT Centre - Dance Session 5 (19/2) - 4pm - Inner Plaza - Dance Session 6 (23/2) - 4pm - Area Outside Audi - Dance Session 7 (24/2) - 4pm - Foyer @ SALT Centre - Dance Session 8 (25/2) - 4pm - Inner Plaza Layout matters! All double tags and triple tags and what not have been cleared (along with apology tags), so no worries! Its all because of the layout format. I added a new warning message to that page though. :) Remember to pay Yingci $59.30 for Newsweek order + notes. For Jiarern only, please pay $5 :D Lastly! Huaqing asks all to kindly quit the "I <3 Ma Huaqing" facebook group. Flaming is a form of cyber-bullying. D: - JY Timetable
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 12:41 PM ![]() Please remember to bring $5 for class fund. See you on Monday! :D Edit: Hello all! JY here. Because the timetable is small and hard to read, I made a nicer version of it. Bigger font and erm, color-coded without colors! Click to enlarge :D ![]() Lazy people like me, who don't have a printer, can save it to your phones. valentine's!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 11:19 PM hello people! it's valentine's yo! anyway school starts monday, aren't you happy? x) i hope everyone had a nice valentine's and i'll see you monday! mingming war games 09!
Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 8:40 PM ![]() HAHAHAHA HELLOO FELLOW ONE SIXERS! ((((: WOOOHOO for winning WAR GAMES 09!!! YAY WE ROCK MAN!! hahahahahah :D HEH the zi lian part: "you know why Ares won this time? BECAUSE THERE IS AN EXTRA 09A16 THERE!!!" :DDD totally zi lian but yeah, we rock too for the hard work we put in! ((: and umm sorry ive been trying to upload our CT dinner photos, but blogger is constantly giving me headaches and so it has successfully tipped me off D< so the photos will be up sometimes when blogger compromises, HEH. (and since we agreed not to post on facebook) anyways, JIAYOU for tomorrow's campfire all right! the important part is to have loads of FUN!! and thanks to HANDSOME and GOOD LUCK for editing the script and doing the music! one more thing, I LOVE YOU GUYS LOADS MWACKS. this is eyu if you dont know, and NO i am not any crocodile!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 10:11 PM Hello all, jy here again! Hope those who went to J8 enjoyed dinner tonight! :) More layout updates. Due to a strong objection received in regards to the font and font size, the font face has been changed from Century Gothic and Tahoma to Georgia, which looks more sophisticated and less amateur. Font size increased by 1 across the site. The width of this table also increased by a few cm, becoming more centralized and conducive. :D For any more concerns regarding the layout, please contact me at email (see below) directly. From now onwards, I will start linking people at the links page! :D Surrender your blog URLs to me ASAP, or you'll receive a special feature entry when I find out about it. Muahaha. Those who are in-charge of writing the script for our performance, please remember to do so! :) Jiayou for tomorrow's war games too! Remember to bring towel and toiletries if you are bathing, and of course sandals/old shoes and clean clothes. Ares fighting~! :D Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 8:17 PM Hello A16-ers (pronounced ehh-one-sixers)! :D Welcome to our official class blog! -cue dramatic music- Its jinyao here, the webmaster~ I'm honoured to be writing the first blog post. ;D Anyway, if you would like to contribute to this blog (which is strongly encouraged), please send your gmail accounts to me by email or msn, to ^^ So that I can add you as a contributor. Currently this blog is still under construction, so don't be surprised if things are weird. There's class dinner tomorrow, tentatively at pizza hut. :) Heh I'll edit later with more details! (... And waiting for HY to go home and send me the contact list. D:) Edit: Yay he sent the contact list already. Anyway as you can see, I took the liberty of designing the blog! Haha sorry, I was really bored. And the "anarchy" thing. Well I wanted something like "Arts. Ares. Axxxx" But I didn't know what word. I thought of the following: Awesome Amazing Angst (lol) Amplified (?!) But as my friend pointed out (and as you can see), they're cheesy :O So I went with Anarchy :D There are many explanations of 'anarchy' but I'm going with this one: A theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society. Cool not! It's like the blog theme for now until someone comes up with a better one! :P I also recolor-coded the whole thing from green to red. D: So now I'm super tired and sleepy. GG! :3 |
![]() Causing trouble in HCI (college) since 9th Feb 2009, we are officially 5882 days old. There are 23 members not including our CT, Mr Loo. We're devout Aresians; some of us take History and some of us study China (seriously). |
From your Welfare Rep
Saturday, February 28, 2009 @ 5:14 PM Hello a16ers! Thank you very much to those who went for the CT supper last night! I had a lot of fun and I hope so did everyone else. But I want to clarify some stuff: I go along with the spirit of Truth or Dare, please do believe me when I say I'm not such a wild and crazy person in actuality. But the point of Truth or Dare really is to do things you wouldn't normally do, and I do hope everyone goes along with the sporty spirit =D Also I'm sorry to anyone who didn't quite like it, I mean, I understand that some people prefer a more reserved and collected game. Please do tell me if anything I do is uncomfortable for you alright. I promise I will listen very attentively to you. Thanks again everyone =) I do hope that everyone in A16 will come to feel like part of a family. I mean we spend so much time in school that CT is more or less like family. For me especially, I haven't got anyone to talk to at home. No siblings and stuff. Everyday I go home talk to wall. So you guys are all very important to me =) I really think that a close CT will make school a much much more cherished experience. We've got two years ahead of us people. Let's make it awesome :) Take care people, drink lots of water and don't fall sick! (You will be missed in school see) From your welfare rep PS. All photos taken during/before POP will be up in the class email. for CSC peoplings!
@ 12:12 AM HELLO! TO ALL CSC PEOPLE, PLEASE CHECK YOUR SMB! theres a wonderful post-orientation gift to you all from your CSC teacher! (: btw. CT outing today was fuuuuun! :D WARNING: do not play truth or dare with mingming. she pwnz all! -chooyi. FAC DANCE COMP!
Thursday, February 26, 2009 @ 11:21 PM HELLO PEOPLE! :DDD tomorrow is the big day! and im very happy because i will be going down to dance too!! :DD dont neglect me horh! i feel like ive been missing out on so much due to huang cheng! hahaha anyway main point is, JIAYOU PEOPLE! ARES WILL WINNNN HOHOHOH. lalaaa, okay i dont know what else to say hehhh. BYE! randomly this is eyu ((((: from your infocom rep
@ 12:13 PM hi we are in the li-bra-ry :D - fat man Please don't be like the guy above -.- Hello all, the class' econs blog is underway! Haha I'm sure some of you will find the layout problematic, but I think its kind of cool/cute. (I used it as my blogskin last time.) Don't know if judging teachers can use it though -cough-, no offence :X I do think that the layout is too crampy, but I think that's the essence of it. If I must, I can expand it. :9 There's POP tomorrow! Try to revise your moves tonight :D - JY 1st class meeting
Tuesday, February 24, 2009 @ 9:32 PM (本台讯)今天上午,阳光明媚,华侨中学高中部人头攒动。本班首届人民代表大会在学校Inner Plaza隆重召开,并胜利闭幕。 大会召开之前,全班同学已经不间断地上了很多节课,饥饿状况十分严重。贴心的福利委员Mingming为早已饿肚子多时的几位同学提前预订了盒饭以及热狗。一到会场,李政霖和马华卿等同学见到了食物,向Mingming缴付了2元后,就在最短时间内将食物一扫而光。 会上,几位委员就在90周年校庆跑步90圈,谁来跑、每人跑多少圈、校庆晚宴谁去、每人付多少钱、从班级基金内得到多少补贴以及设立班级经济课博客、班级和谐等课题展开了深入讨论,并与广大人民群众交换了意见。 经过二十来分钟的磋商,全班同学达成以下共识: 一、去校庆晚宴的同学,每人支付20元,剩余的每人15元一律享受班级基金津贴; 二、参加校庆90圈长跑的同学,已经报名要参加的同学要认真跑,不能少跑、不跑的同学也不能闲着,要为要跑的同学加油鼓劲; 三、全班同学要紧密地团结在以班级和谐为中心的重要思想周围,高举“同在一个班,共享快乐”伟大旗帜,认真贯彻落实本次大会精神,齐心协力谋和谐。 近日,本班发生了一些不和谐事件,严重阻碍了班上一些同学之间友好合作关系的正常化发展。Mingming等委员呼吁,广大人民群众要紧紧抓住班级团结这个根本点,一定要严把和谐关,杜绝此类事故的再次发生。 此外,结合工作实际,与会的各科代表在本次大会上普遍表示,目前收取各项费用的工作并非十分艰难。这主要归功于广大人民群众的配合与支持,科代表们对此表示十分感谢。 本班09A16作为一个集体,各位同学应该相互体谅、相互帮助。和谐是大势所趋,友谊是人心所向,希望所有同学都能在接下来的一年多时间里,成为彼此的好邻居、好伙伴、好朋友,为大家的学习生活增添乐趣、使大家的华中记忆更加精彩。 最后,本台温馨提示:英国文学科代表马华卿希望再次强烈呼吁本班所有修读英国文学,但还未缴纳费用的同学,最迟在明天交齐5元的印刷费用,谢谢合作。
from your info-com rep
Monday, February 23, 2009 @ 10:06 PM Its interesting how everyone is starting their entries with "from ..." The school calls me the info-com rep instead of the IT rep, which I think is more appropriate since I'm an AVA idiot. :D Economics Blog for Humanities Week 2009 The Arts Department is organizing a Blog Competition as part of the Humanities Week 2009, to be held in Term 3. Participation is COMPULSORY for all C1 H2/H1 Economics classes. Your blog template is to be online by Mon, 13 March 2009, together with at least 1 blog entry. The entire class can start posting blog entries on their respective class econs blog after that deadline. Classes' blog entries may include the following: - Review of interesting economic articles from journals or Internet. - Economic jokes/cartoons that illustrate certain economic concepts. - Video clips depicting certain economic concepts. - Q & As, "forum-like" postings on views and comments that are economics related among class members. - Any other relevant economics postings that will enhance the class' blog (i.e. ILP work, etc) Best blog will receive a cash voucher of $200 and the next 2 best blog will receive a cash voucher of $100 each. Results will be announced on 23rd July 2009. I will start inviting everyone to contribute to the class blog, and you will, whether you want to or not. :D Meanwhile, start looking for funny/interesting stuff related to econs. Its not hard if everyone contribute one entry, and it doesn't have to be long. :) - JY From your Welfare Rep
@ 9:33 PM Yello people! Okay first thing's first. 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner. It will be on the school field, according to SMB. I don't know any other details because I only skimmed through the message. Please read it on your own if you want to know more. Anyway, my concern is attendence! So far we've only got eight people down for the dinner and we need to make a table of TEN. So two more people! Come on volunteer yourselves, it's $35 per head and the school's sponsoring the other $15. Think of it as a class thing! =D Anyway Mr. Loo suggested two options to lighted the monetary load on the people who are attending the dinner. Option One: Everyone attending the dinner will come up with $20 each. The remaining $15 per person (which is $150 for the table) will come out of class fund. Option Two: Everyone attending the dinner will come up with $25 each. The remaining $10 per person (which is $100 for the table) will come out of class fund. Both options are endorsed by Mr. Loo. I seem to have lost the list of who's going so I'll be asking for a show of hands tomorrow. Another thing, the 90th Anniversary School Run (the 90 rounds thing). Somehow it ended up with me xD So I need parent contact details of everyone who's running, I think it's probably in case you faint or something. Anyway it tallies up to about 6 rounds per person. People in CLL please remember to read your notes before next monday, people in CSC remember your essay due this friday! I don't think there's anything else, so goodbye for now. Take care everyone :) From your caring and friendly Welfare Rep :D From Your Lit Rep
@ 8:45 PM Dear 09A16,
Thank you. Huaqing
Sunday, February 22, 2009 @ 1:03 AM ![]() New timetable! :D [Dance Practices] - Dance Session 6 (23/2) - 3.30pm - Area Outside Audi - Dance Session 7 (24/2) - 4pm - Foyer @ SALT Centre - Dance Session 8 (25/2) - 4pm - Inner Plaza* impt! Remember to attend as well! Ares will win POP - fac dance competition again! :D - JY First Class Dinner @ Yoshinoya Bishan Junction 8
Saturday, February 21, 2009 @ 9:49 PM ![]() Dear 09A16, The first class dinner photos are now up. Please click here to view them. Regards, Huaqing
Friday, February 20, 2009 @ 11:06 PM Dear 09A16, I'll make this short and sweet :D 1) Please be reminded that you have to register for your CCA choices on ISP by this sat 21 Feb. 2) Girls, please check your PSB as there's an important suggestion related to you :) Please refer to figure 1.2331123 if you don't know how to get there 3) CSC students, I've found the pdf version of 钱穆's 中国文化史导论. Please download from our class email if you need it. user: pass: [sms me - 98838026 PLEASE DONT CALL ME] FYI, the notes yesterday cost $0.30. I'll collect from you when it reaches whole number. haha 4) Promise that you WILL miss me over the weekend. HAHAHAHA 5) REST and complete your hw :) houyin From your Welfare Rep
Wednesday, February 18, 2009 @ 9:34 PM Hello fellow a16 people! I just got home from French and I'm telling you H2 French is really grueling. Today I found out that the teacher keeps track of everything. Really everything. He made a note that my friend was 18 minutes late for class last lesson. Then another guy had to leave early today. He made a note that said "left at 7.14pm". I feel so scared and stressed la. =( Anyway after that I went to J8 basement to eat. Then there's this shop that sells Korean food. So I was supposed to pay $3.50 but I gave the person $11.50 because I wanted four two-dollar notes back. The person evidently didn't understand. She gave me back $5 and the rest of the change in coins. So I ended up with more coins than I started with. -.- Anyway, people who haven't paid me for CLL materials please do so by tomorrow! And I still need two more Samaritans to go for the 90th Anniversary Gala Dinner thing. Just come please? It's thirty-five per head but that's the normal pricing for this kind of events and think of it as a class thing =D PE tomorrow yo but I think half our class will be sitting out thanks to me. Sorry =( Alright take care people and get well soon to everyone running a cold, Mingming Minor Updates
@ 8:59 PM Check out the new about page, I think it's pretty neat (: Soon, birthdays and Neighbouring classes are also linked. Classes who wish to trade links please tag :D Kia Wee says there's spot check tomorrow! (Not sure if he is to be trusted -cough-...) Please wear PE shirt to morning assembly as we have PE first period (no worries about those... erm shoelace and band problems haha). We have to change back to the uniform after PE though. Oh yeah. O$P$ ah! :D - JY Tuesday, February 17, 2009 @ 9:00 PM Class email As we're not able to upload stuff onto blogspot, I've created a gmail account: user: pass: [ask me] From today onwards, it'll serve as a platform for us to upload things related to our class for example outing photos, videos, lecture notes etc. :) Reminder 1) (everyone) pay Yingci $5 for class fund 2) (everyone except for Jiarern) pay Yingci $59.30 for newsweek and classroom materials 3) (CLL students) pay Mingming $28 for books and materials 4) (everyone from HCI & NY) please complete your maths holiday homework and bring it tmr houyin from your welfare rep
@ 8:10 PM 09a16 yo! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JIARERN for the final time! All the best in the year ahead and take care kay! Smile always =) I'm Welfare Rep yo, so if you're sad I should be concerned. x) Anyway, I was thinking we should have our first official class outing soon right! Before all the work starts to pile higher and higher. Does anyone have any special requests with regards to class outing? All requests will be taken in highest regard :D People in CLL remember to bring $28 to pay me for the books/materials kay! I know there's so much to pay for recently, I feel like my money's disappearing before I can count it =O Everyone drink more water and eat vitamins kay! (I'm such a great welfare rep la xD) I think I'm passing my flu to everyone =( I'm so sorry!'Anyway try 葛根汤, it's really effective, in my opinion at least, if you've got flu. It's always worked for me. If not, just try to take care and rest more while you can kay! Staying up till 2am for no particular reason isn't cool. (There's actually a Facebook group that's called I stay up till 2am for no good reason or something like that) Alright I'll see you all tomorrow! Take care and sleep tight :) Mingming Announcements and so on
Monday, February 16, 2009 @ 9:16 PM HAPPY BIRTHDAY IN ADVANCE, JIARERN <3 Yo ehh-one-sixers! Timetable Updates! Students with PW lessons during the following period, please proceed to the lecture venue as specified below for this week, 16-20 Feb 09. Tue, 2 - 3pm -> LT2 Wed, 9 - 10am -> LT3 Thu, 12 - 1pm -> LT2 Fri, 12 - 1pm -> Audi Dance Practices Schedule - Dance Session 3 (17/2) - 4pm - Area Outside Audi - Dance Session 4 (18/2) - 4pm - Foyer @ SALT Centre - Dance Session 5 (19/2) - 4pm - Inner Plaza - Dance Session 6 (23/2) - 4pm - Area Outside Audi - Dance Session 7 (24/2) - 4pm - Foyer @ SALT Centre - Dance Session 8 (25/2) - 4pm - Inner Plaza Layout matters! All double tags and triple tags and what not have been cleared (along with apology tags), so no worries! Its all because of the layout format. I added a new warning message to that page though. :) Remember to pay Yingci $59.30 for Newsweek order + notes. For Jiarern only, please pay $5 :D Lastly! Huaqing asks all to kindly quit the "I <3 Ma Huaqing" facebook group. Flaming is a form of cyber-bullying. D: - JY Timetable
Sunday, February 15, 2009 @ 12:41 PM ![]() Please remember to bring $5 for class fund. See you on Monday! :D Edit: Hello all! JY here. Because the timetable is small and hard to read, I made a nicer version of it. Bigger font and erm, color-coded without colors! Click to enlarge :D ![]() Lazy people like me, who don't have a printer, can save it to your phones. valentine's!
Saturday, February 14, 2009 @ 11:19 PM hello people! it's valentine's yo! anyway school starts monday, aren't you happy? x) i hope everyone had a nice valentine's and i'll see you monday! mingming war games 09!
Thursday, February 12, 2009 @ 8:40 PM ![]() HAHAHAHA HELLOO FELLOW ONE SIXERS! ((((: WOOOHOO for winning WAR GAMES 09!!! YAY WE ROCK MAN!! hahahahahah :D HEH the zi lian part: "you know why Ares won this time? BECAUSE THERE IS AN EXTRA 09A16 THERE!!!" :DDD totally zi lian but yeah, we rock too for the hard work we put in! ((: and umm sorry ive been trying to upload our CT dinner photos, but blogger is constantly giving me headaches and so it has successfully tipped me off D< so the photos will be up sometimes when blogger compromises, HEH. (and since we agreed not to post on facebook) anyways, JIAYOU for tomorrow's campfire all right! the important part is to have loads of FUN!! and thanks to HANDSOME and GOOD LUCK for editing the script and doing the music! one more thing, I LOVE YOU GUYS LOADS MWACKS. this is eyu if you dont know, and NO i am not any crocodile!
Wednesday, February 11, 2009 @ 10:11 PM Hello all, jy here again! Hope those who went to J8 enjoyed dinner tonight! :) More layout updates. Due to a strong objection received in regards to the font and font size, the font face has been changed from Century Gothic and Tahoma to Georgia, which looks more sophisticated and less amateur. Font size increased by 1 across the site. The width of this table also increased by a few cm, becoming more centralized and conducive. :D For any more concerns regarding the layout, please contact me at email (see below) directly. From now onwards, I will start linking people at the links page! :D Surrender your blog URLs to me ASAP, or you'll receive a special feature entry when I find out about it. Muahaha. Those who are in-charge of writing the script for our performance, please remember to do so! :) Jiayou for tomorrow's war games too! Remember to bring towel and toiletries if you are bathing, and of course sandals/old shoes and clean clothes. Ares fighting~! :D Tuesday, February 10, 2009 @ 8:17 PM Hello A16-ers (pronounced ehh-one-sixers)! :D Welcome to our official class blog! -cue dramatic music- Its jinyao here, the webmaster~ I'm honoured to be writing the first blog post. ;D Anyway, if you would like to contribute to this blog (which is strongly encouraged), please send your gmail accounts to me by email or msn, to ^^ So that I can add you as a contributor. Currently this blog is still under construction, so don't be surprised if things are weird. There's class dinner tomorrow, tentatively at pizza hut. :) Heh I'll edit later with more details! (... And waiting for HY to go home and send me the contact list. D:) Edit: Yay he sent the contact list already. Anyway as you can see, I took the liberty of designing the blog! Haha sorry, I was really bored. And the "anarchy" thing. Well I wanted something like "Arts. Ares. Axxxx" But I didn't know what word. I thought of the following: Awesome Amazing Angst (lol) Amplified (?!) But as my friend pointed out (and as you can see), they're cheesy :O So I went with Anarchy :D There are many explanations of 'anarchy' but I'm going with this one: A theory that regards the absence of all direct or coercive government as a political ideal and that proposes the cooperative and voluntary association of individuals and groups as the principal mode of organized society. Cool not! It's like the blog theme for now until someone comes up with a better one! :P I also recolor-coded the whole thing from green to red. D: So now I'm super tired and sleepy. GG! :3 |
partners in crime Econs rep D.O.B.: 07/01 Samantha D.O.B.: 02/02 Jia Rern D.O.B.: 17/02 Han Yong assistant CT rep D.O.B.: 21/02 Subhas PE rep D.O.B.: 11/03 Ying Ci CT rep D.O.B.: 24/03 Woon Ho D.O.B.:24/03 Huaqing Lit rep D.O.B.: 21/04 spicycity | blog Choo Yi D.O.B.: 25/04 Jin Yao IT rep D.O.B.: 01/05 deviantart | blog Evelyn D.O.B.: 07/05 deviantart | blog Xianrong History rep D.O.B.: 15/05 Jiashen D.O.B.: 16/05 Guo Fei Dance i/c D.O.B.: 23/05 Zheng Lin D.O.B.: 03/06 San San D.O.B.: 04/07 Mingming GP/Welfare rep D.O.B.: 07/07 Eyu D.O.B.: 08/07 blog DY D.O.B.: 14/08 Xiao Xiao D.O.B.: 16/08 Kia Wee D.O.B.: 25/11 Ling Xue Art director D.O.B.: 29/11 |
standing ovation Layout: Nicole Color codes: Html color codes reminiscence
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daily archive » hi » announcements » THE LAST TIME TABLE » in the moonlight » IT rep is damn enthu. NEW TIMETABLE » ARES! » more announcements » from your IT rep » HAPPY NEW YEARRR HAHA :DDD LETS KEEP THIS BLOG ALI... » with love from scotland; |