the sole surviving class blog of
zero nine ehh one six
the Treasurer speaks
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 10:16 PM GREETINGS MY LOVELY CLASSMATES once again it is the season of sharing and it's time to contribute a small amount to our CLASS FUND! everyone please pass $10 to Ying Ci your beloved Treasurer by Friday, 3 April. A gentle reminder to Subhas to pay the $5 which was collected on 16 Feb (-.-) and to Xiao Xiao, Zheng Lin, Jason, Dao Yuan, Huaqing and Subhas to pay the $20 which was collected on 24 Feb (for GP + FDD + Class Fund). I really don't want to come up with some lame pay-by-this-date-or-I'll-fine-you system, so please corporate, people! =DD Another gentle reminder to all H2 Econs ppl: need to hand in (some part of) Econs ILP by Friday as well! Fac CIP - suggestion
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @ 9:22 AM want to make it into a mini pizza?? if cheese is already provided...the only 3 other ingredient that we need to bring is tomato sauce , 生菜,and sliced sausages...mabe bacons too :3 we can easily sell them at 2 dollars because people nowadays want more style than what they can already eat at home as breakfast.This is just an add on, at the same time we can also keep the plan of selling spread bread ;3 30 sausages cost $3.5 curry , tomato , chilli sauces are also quite cheap everything should be below 50 $ From your Welfare Rep
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 8:15 PM IMPORTANT Hey people, I've softcopied the uniquely singapore gp worksheet. it's up on the class email. so you can just type in your answers and upload the updated version to the class email. it's much easier this way rather than having to manually copy. then when school starts everyone can just print the final finished worksheet and happily go for GP. please be reminded to number your updated versions very obviously though like "gp worksheet vr 1 vr 2 vr 3" so on so that it's obvious which is the latest one. mingming Uniquely Singapore mannn~
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 9:58 PM heyy everyone(: evelyn here. rlly had fun with you guys yesterday/today yeah. BIG THANKYOU to jiashen's very kind and nice mum; mr loo who came down (with donuts!O:) even though he seemed to be bored by our antics..haha ;D anw for gp homework 'uniquely singapore' the tchr said we can split up the topics right. mm we counted that day, there's exactly 23 topics for 23 of us(: so if you all are fine with it i'll just split randomly (since no one organising haha) and everyone splits up the work alright(: ok im gna follow the facebook contact list order of names-.- *check the handout for details! (i havent read yet loll- -") Mingming: gambling Guo Fei: cabaret floor shows Jin Yao: homosexuality Samantha: cross dressing Kia Wee: teenage sex Han Yong: prostitution Choo Yi: racial issues Eyu: religious issues Hou Yin: politics Yiin Jiunn: internal security practices Ling Xue: forums/blogs Sansan: pornography Xiaoxiao: copyright piracy Jia Rern: ability to laugh at ourselves/accept criticism Ying Ci: what makes us laugh Zheng Lin: filial piety Huaqing: marriage/marital fidelity Jiashen: expletives, profanity, offensive language Evelyn: singlish Xian Rong: mother tongue/official language Subhas: dressing/public behaviour Dao Yuan: education Jason: courting the tourist dollar if everyone is agreeable then we only need to do a small part each yeah (: from your info-com rep
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:36 PM blog updates! hci.09a16@gmail and mr loo invited to contribute to class blog :) Remember to do your homework! I'm sure some CSC/CLL stuff are left out, tell me if it is, on msn :D From your Welfare Rep
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 12:27 PM Hello a16ers! Okay we have to decide two things! First - Class (insert thing) so right, here's a list of all the class things that we could have and so you guys can consider it and we'll take a vote not far in the future. 1) class tee 2) class badge 3) class pullover/sweater 4) class hoodie 5) class bag 6) class bottle 7) class ring 8) class necklace 9) class socks (-.-) 10) class shoelaces (this is quite exciting xD) 11) class wristband 12) class tie okay i can't think of anything else, if you do feel free to tell me then i'll edit kay :D next - class outing. the one on march 16th is not official. it's just like a go-if-you-want-to kind of thing. however, right now we're trying to get it moved to march 15th because too many people can't make it on the 16th (like aep and huangcheng people). i'm still waiting for an update from jiashen then i'll tell everyone the final confirmed details kay! so for the official class outing right, it'll probably be sometime later. by sometime i mean a lot later. preliminary ideas for class outing include partyworld (ktv), play pool and go cycling as of now. you can suggest more ideas :D a reminder to all jts is on the evening of march 29th. please block that slot. it would be nice if everyone can make it =) venue is tentatively jiashen's house again - for bbq. also reminder that watching huangcheng together on the 25th april is supposed to be a class outing. so everyone please get your tickets from our friendly CT rep if you haven't already done so. (note: i think most of the class is buying the 12 dollar ticket) okay i have nothing else! Take care and have a nice day everyone =) Mingming O' Level certificates
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 10:46 PM Dear A16ers from HCI and NYGH, Your 'O' Level certificates are ready for collection. Please collect them asap. Venue: NYGH and HCI KC admin block chooyi [modified by houyin @ 08.07pm 11/03/2009] from your info-com rep
Saturday, March 7, 2009 @ 5:37 PM ![]() Update! Timetable errors fixed. Let's hope this is the final version. Take note of the change of venues too (see post by houyin below). There are two IT month competitions! The inter-class blogging competition is compulsory, but the FutureSchool one isn't. However participation is strongly encouraged (beef up that portfolio!). C1 Inter-Class Blogging Competition! Theme: Reshaping Teaching and Learning @ Hwa Chong We are the future! Prizes: $400, $300, $200 (in vouchers - we get to choose the type! :D) Judging Criteria: Content/Thematic Coherence (50%), Participation (30%), Aesthetics (20%) Preparation period: Until 11th March Ending date: 10th April Results: 20th April So yeah one-sixers! Y'all are required to post, post and post! - Those who are not invited to post (yet) must log in through the class gmail account! Username: hci.09a16 Password: ask me/ct rep personally - Remember to sign off with your name! Or I will take drastic actions. :) - Please post things which are relevant to the topic at hand! There are no limitations regarding the format of your entry (prose, verse, video, song, etc) :) In fact, the more interactive, the better! - Provide links which are relevant to the topic as well! - Please try to post in English! - Provide relevant feedback :D - Always, always, ALWAYS THINK OF THE THEME!! Note: I will invite Mr Loo/some seniors to blog if possible, since it's recommended competition committee. No objections right? :) My FutureSchool @ Hwa Chong Creative Competition 10 Mar 09 - 9 Apr 09 Look for jinyao for the entry form! Genres: Short essay, poster, video clip All submissions MUST be accompanied by the completed entry form Only one entry per participant or group (no size limit for soft copy) Short essay: btwn 200-250 words, 12pt font, single spacing Submit via email to AND hard copy to College Reception Poster: at least A3 size of original design Must be created using any image design software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop/illustrator, Corel Draw etc) available in the market Submission in hard copy AND soft copy in a CD-ROM to College Reception (working file(s) and JPEG file in A3 size) Video Clip: Within 3 minutes in duration including opening and closing titles Must be in DVD PAL or AVI format, with minimum res. of 720 X 575 px Entries should not be currently, or will in the future be considered for participation in other competitions, or up for any awards. In English only Submission in a DVD-ROM, playable on both PC/Mac DVD-ROM drives or consumer DVD players to College Reception Judging Criteria Thematic relevance & originality, content/design, language/creativity Prizes $400, $300, $200 in vouchers Winners will be announced on 27th April All submissions are the property to HCI and may be used for the purposes of marketing/promotion Contact Mr Alexander Ho (GP) for more details! ( Labels: IT competitions To all CLL students
@ 12:02 PM NOTE: THE TUESDAY CLL TEST MATERIALS ARE UP IN THE CLASS EMAIL. Please go look at it. You have to memorise 送友人, that's a free five marks so don't waste it kay =) I'm really sorry it's only up so late. Mingming Change of venues for lessons
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 @ 10:42 PM ![]() Note it down somewhere so that you wont go to the wrong venue! :D houyin Time to read!!
Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 9:19 PM Hello! From 3rd March 2009 onwards, Mingming will be buying us Straits Times every morning and we'll put it on our class bench and share with you guys. Feel free to read it, just dont take home :P Don't worry, we won't use the class fund :D I'll be paying for it. regards, houyin |
![]() Causing trouble in HCI (college) since 9th Feb 2009, we are officially 5882 days old. There are 23 members not including our CT, Mr Loo. We're devout Aresians; some of us take History and some of us study China (seriously). |
the Treasurer speaks
Sunday, March 29, 2009 @ 10:16 PM GREETINGS MY LOVELY CLASSMATES once again it is the season of sharing and it's time to contribute a small amount to our CLASS FUND! everyone please pass $10 to Ying Ci your beloved Treasurer by Friday, 3 April. A gentle reminder to Subhas to pay the $5 which was collected on 16 Feb (-.-) and to Xiao Xiao, Zheng Lin, Jason, Dao Yuan, Huaqing and Subhas to pay the $20 which was collected on 24 Feb (for GP + FDD + Class Fund). I really don't want to come up with some lame pay-by-this-date-or-I'll-fine-you system, so please corporate, people! =DD Another gentle reminder to all H2 Econs ppl: need to hand in (some part of) Econs ILP by Friday as well! Fac CIP - suggestion
Wednesday, March 25, 2009 @ 9:22 AM want to make it into a mini pizza?? if cheese is already provided...the only 3 other ingredient that we need to bring is tomato sauce , 生菜,and sliced sausages...mabe bacons too :3 we can easily sell them at 2 dollars because people nowadays want more style than what they can already eat at home as breakfast.This is just an add on, at the same time we can also keep the plan of selling spread bread ;3 30 sausages cost $3.5 curry , tomato , chilli sauces are also quite cheap everything should be below 50 $ From your Welfare Rep
Wednesday, March 18, 2009 @ 8:15 PM IMPORTANT Hey people, I've softcopied the uniquely singapore gp worksheet. it's up on the class email. so you can just type in your answers and upload the updated version to the class email. it's much easier this way rather than having to manually copy. then when school starts everyone can just print the final finished worksheet and happily go for GP. please be reminded to number your updated versions very obviously though like "gp worksheet vr 1 vr 2 vr 3" so on so that it's obvious which is the latest one. mingming Uniquely Singapore mannn~
Tuesday, March 17, 2009 @ 9:58 PM heyy everyone(: evelyn here. rlly had fun with you guys yesterday/today yeah. BIG THANKYOU to jiashen's very kind and nice mum; mr loo who came down (with donuts!O:) even though he seemed to be bored by our antics..haha ;D anw for gp homework 'uniquely singapore' the tchr said we can split up the topics right. mm we counted that day, there's exactly 23 topics for 23 of us(: so if you all are fine with it i'll just split randomly (since no one organising haha) and everyone splits up the work alright(: ok im gna follow the facebook contact list order of names-.- *check the handout for details! (i havent read yet loll- -") Mingming: gambling Guo Fei: cabaret floor shows Jin Yao: homosexuality Samantha: cross dressing Kia Wee: teenage sex Han Yong: prostitution Choo Yi: racial issues Eyu: religious issues Hou Yin: politics Yiin Jiunn: internal security practices Ling Xue: forums/blogs Sansan: pornography Xiaoxiao: copyright piracy Jia Rern: ability to laugh at ourselves/accept criticism Ying Ci: what makes us laugh Zheng Lin: filial piety Huaqing: marriage/marital fidelity Jiashen: expletives, profanity, offensive language Evelyn: singlish Xian Rong: mother tongue/official language Subhas: dressing/public behaviour Dao Yuan: education Jason: courting the tourist dollar if everyone is agreeable then we only need to do a small part each yeah (: from your info-com rep
Friday, March 13, 2009 @ 9:36 PM blog updates! hci.09a16@gmail and mr loo invited to contribute to class blog :) Remember to do your homework! I'm sure some CSC/CLL stuff are left out, tell me if it is, on msn :D From your Welfare Rep
Thursday, March 12, 2009 @ 12:27 PM Hello a16ers! Okay we have to decide two things! First - Class (insert thing) so right, here's a list of all the class things that we could have and so you guys can consider it and we'll take a vote not far in the future. 1) class tee 2) class badge 3) class pullover/sweater 4) class hoodie 5) class bag 6) class bottle 7) class ring 8) class necklace 9) class socks (-.-) 10) class shoelaces (this is quite exciting xD) 11) class wristband 12) class tie okay i can't think of anything else, if you do feel free to tell me then i'll edit kay :D next - class outing. the one on march 16th is not official. it's just like a go-if-you-want-to kind of thing. however, right now we're trying to get it moved to march 15th because too many people can't make it on the 16th (like aep and huangcheng people). i'm still waiting for an update from jiashen then i'll tell everyone the final confirmed details kay! so for the official class outing right, it'll probably be sometime later. by sometime i mean a lot later. preliminary ideas for class outing include partyworld (ktv), play pool and go cycling as of now. you can suggest more ideas :D a reminder to all jts is on the evening of march 29th. please block that slot. it would be nice if everyone can make it =) venue is tentatively jiashen's house again - for bbq. also reminder that watching huangcheng together on the 25th april is supposed to be a class outing. so everyone please get your tickets from our friendly CT rep if you haven't already done so. (note: i think most of the class is buying the 12 dollar ticket) okay i have nothing else! Take care and have a nice day everyone =) Mingming O' Level certificates
Tuesday, March 10, 2009 @ 10:46 PM Dear A16ers from HCI and NYGH, Your 'O' Level certificates are ready for collection. Please collect them asap. Venue: NYGH and HCI KC admin block chooyi [modified by houyin @ 08.07pm 11/03/2009] from your info-com rep
Saturday, March 7, 2009 @ 5:37 PM ![]() Update! Timetable errors fixed. Let's hope this is the final version. Take note of the change of venues too (see post by houyin below). There are two IT month competitions! The inter-class blogging competition is compulsory, but the FutureSchool one isn't. However participation is strongly encouraged (beef up that portfolio!). C1 Inter-Class Blogging Competition! Theme: Reshaping Teaching and Learning @ Hwa Chong We are the future! Prizes: $400, $300, $200 (in vouchers - we get to choose the type! :D) Judging Criteria: Content/Thematic Coherence (50%), Participation (30%), Aesthetics (20%) Preparation period: Until 11th March Ending date: 10th April Results: 20th April So yeah one-sixers! Y'all are required to post, post and post! - Those who are not invited to post (yet) must log in through the class gmail account! Username: hci.09a16 Password: ask me/ct rep personally - Remember to sign off with your name! Or I will take drastic actions. :) - Please post things which are relevant to the topic at hand! There are no limitations regarding the format of your entry (prose, verse, video, song, etc) :) In fact, the more interactive, the better! - Provide links which are relevant to the topic as well! - Please try to post in English! - Provide relevant feedback :D - Always, always, ALWAYS THINK OF THE THEME!! Note: I will invite Mr Loo/some seniors to blog if possible, since it's recommended competition committee. No objections right? :) My FutureSchool @ Hwa Chong Creative Competition 10 Mar 09 - 9 Apr 09 Look for jinyao for the entry form! Genres: Short essay, poster, video clip All submissions MUST be accompanied by the completed entry form Only one entry per participant or group (no size limit for soft copy) Short essay: btwn 200-250 words, 12pt font, single spacing Submit via email to AND hard copy to College Reception Poster: at least A3 size of original design Must be created using any image design software (e.g. Adobe Photoshop/illustrator, Corel Draw etc) available in the market Submission in hard copy AND soft copy in a CD-ROM to College Reception (working file(s) and JPEG file in A3 size) Video Clip: Within 3 minutes in duration including opening and closing titles Must be in DVD PAL or AVI format, with minimum res. of 720 X 575 px Entries should not be currently, or will in the future be considered for participation in other competitions, or up for any awards. In English only Submission in a DVD-ROM, playable on both PC/Mac DVD-ROM drives or consumer DVD players to College Reception Judging Criteria Thematic relevance & originality, content/design, language/creativity Prizes $400, $300, $200 in vouchers Winners will be announced on 27th April All submissions are the property to HCI and may be used for the purposes of marketing/promotion Contact Mr Alexander Ho (GP) for more details! ( Labels: IT competitions To all CLL students
@ 12:02 PM NOTE: THE TUESDAY CLL TEST MATERIALS ARE UP IN THE CLASS EMAIL. Please go look at it. You have to memorise 送友人, that's a free five marks so don't waste it kay =) I'm really sorry it's only up so late. Mingming Change of venues for lessons
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 @ 10:42 PM ![]() Note it down somewhere so that you wont go to the wrong venue! :D houyin Time to read!!
Monday, March 2, 2009 @ 9:19 PM Hello! From 3rd March 2009 onwards, Mingming will be buying us Straits Times every morning and we'll put it on our class bench and share with you guys. Feel free to read it, just dont take home :P Don't worry, we won't use the class fund :D I'll be paying for it. regards, houyin |
partners in crime Econs rep D.O.B.: 07/01 Samantha D.O.B.: 02/02 Jia Rern D.O.B.: 17/02 Han Yong assistant CT rep D.O.B.: 21/02 Subhas PE rep D.O.B.: 11/03 Ying Ci CT rep D.O.B.: 24/03 Woon Ho D.O.B.:24/03 Huaqing Lit rep D.O.B.: 21/04 spicycity | blog Choo Yi D.O.B.: 25/04 Jin Yao IT rep D.O.B.: 01/05 deviantart | blog Evelyn D.O.B.: 07/05 deviantart | blog Xianrong History rep D.O.B.: 15/05 Jiashen D.O.B.: 16/05 Guo Fei Dance i/c D.O.B.: 23/05 Zheng Lin D.O.B.: 03/06 San San D.O.B.: 04/07 Mingming GP/Welfare rep D.O.B.: 07/07 Eyu D.O.B.: 08/07 blog DY D.O.B.: 14/08 Xiao Xiao D.O.B.: 16/08 Kia Wee D.O.B.: 25/11 Ling Xue Art director D.O.B.: 29/11 |
standing ovation Layout: Nicole Color codes: Html color codes reminiscence
monthly archive » February 2009 » March 2009 » April 2009 » May 2009 » July 2009 » September 2009 » November 2009 » January 2010 » February 2010 » April 2010 » August 2010 » December 2012 » January 2025 flashbacks
daily archive » hi » announcements » THE LAST TIME TABLE » in the moonlight » IT rep is damn enthu. NEW TIMETABLE » ARES! » more announcements » from your IT rep » HAPPY NEW YEARRR HAHA :DDD LETS KEEP THIS BLOG ALI... » with love from scotland; |